For the foreseeable future, Ms. EV's Blog will feature music from Toni LaShaun Music. Today's song is Stay In My Lane. I wrote this song after waking up one day and realizing that I was getting upset over how God blessed others rather than focusing on where God was leading me. It is a great compliment to the blog earlier this week, Stay In Your Lane. I have not recorded it yet, but here are the lyrics: Stay In My Lane
© Copyright 2012 Toni L. Wortherly I have a chance At victory If I keep my mind Stayed on Thee If I’d stop looking Yo the right or left Maybe I could stop Envying someone else I have to stay in my lane Ket God take the wheel He has not steered me wrong And He never will Your road to success May differ from mine But we will get there In His perfect time Chorus God is so much wiser than me He sees the dangers that I cannot see He will change my direction Reroute my path Close doors that were opened To nothing but bad If I listen to His Spirit He will be my Guide For He knows what is best for me For He knows what is best for me
So, I was watching one of many reality television shows that I tend to watch (don’t judge me), and one of the women, who is a singer/songwriter, but also dabbles in the adult entertainment industry, said, very casually, “I think I want to try a gospel record.” Through the magic of television, by the end of the episode, she had written the song and arranged to have a very high-profile gospel artist sing the song with her. On the next episode, they recorded the song.
Many of you may know that I am not just a blogger, I also write music. I have been writing for many years. As my relationship with Christ has grown, I have been more in tune with how He would have me use this gift. When I started writing, I wrote what I knew would be amazingly popular pop ballads. I would write inspirational music every once in a while. Then, I started writing more Christian, inspirational songs and less pop/R&B songs. One day, my computer crashed and the only songs that I had a hard copy of were the Christian, inspirational songs. For most of this time, my songs were words on a page and a melody in my head. Then, God blessed me with the ability to play chords on the guitar, which led me to where I am now. I have been humbled by the response to my music and the doors that have opened. Nevertheless, when I saw this young lady so casually decide to dabble in the gospel industry, it cut me to the core. How could she accomplish in such a short period of time something that I am so committed to and doing for the right reasons? It just seemed unfair! Then, the voice of reason (my mom--God uses her in this role A LOT!) told me that I cannot look at what happens with other people. I have to keep my eyes on what God is telling me to do. God can use anybody to spread His message. And, guess what, He does not have to get my approval. I just heard a voice saying, “Stay in your lane.” I actually have an affirmation on my mirror that reminds me to stay in my lane because I find myself looking at others and getting frustrated when it is really none of my business. When you are driving, if you stare into the side view mirrors for too long, eventually, you will start drifting into another lane, possibly causing a collision. That is not what God wants. He wants to use each of His children for His glory. All that matters is that His Name is praised and that souls that are lost are being reached. If I am confident that God can and will make a way for my music ministry, then it does not matter what someone else does. Sure, I can make the claim that it upsets me because it seems that she is making a mockery of an industry that I want to break into, but that is God’s business not mine. And, the Bible promises in Galatians that God is not mocked. Either way, we each need to focus on what God has for us, not what He has for others. It will make for a much more peaceful existence. Ms. EV I woke up this morning, after enjoying sleeping in, and decided to try to beat the crowds and get all of the ingredients for my bake-a-thon (shameless plug: If you want to order holiday treats visit my Catering page). Anyway, I decided that I should look decent because you never know who you are going to run into during the holidays. This is the time of year when people have the day off or they are in town visiting relatives, so you just never know.
I was pulling into a parking space and I noticed this very nice looking guy, walking with a little girl who was probably about five or six years old. As he got closer, I realized it was someone with whom I went to high school and on whom I had a very, very BIG crush. He, like many others in my high school days, did not give me the time of day, but that was okay because he didn't really give any girls the time of day in high school. When we were in college, we kept in touch as friends, but after a couple of years we lost touch. I have seen him sporadically since I moved back home, but he's happily married with children, so he's most definitely off limits. Today, was the first time I have seen him in years, and there he was holding his little girl's hand and taking her to get her nails done. (Everyone say it with me, "Awwwwwwwwww!!!) I wanted to think, "I am so happy for him that he is a great dad," or something remotely spiritual, but all I could think was, "Why didn't he ever want me? Then, it might be my little girl going to get her nails done." I don't know this man's situation; I haven't spoken to him in over five years. But, in that moment, in my mind, his life was perfect and I just couldn't understand why I don't get to have what his wife has, which I think is the exact definition of coveting. Yes, I was delighted to enjoy my day off when I left my house, feeling blessed beyond measure, but when I saw him standing there, I just felt drained. Suddenly, all I could think of was everything I do not have. However, less than ten minutes later I was reminded of what I do have when I ran into someone who had a real reason to be sad. I am blessed with some pretty awesome people in my life; my family, my friends, my fellow church members. I am blessed with a home and enough of everything: money, food, clothes, shoes. If I need it, I have it. Are there things that feel like they are missing? At times, absolutely yes; especially, when I think carnally. But, when I reflect on God's promises, I can confidently say that I have everything I need for this season of my life. And, I am truly thankful for that! Ms. EV We have undoubtedly all heard the saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side." But, what exactly does this phrase mean. It usually means that from where you are standing, it seems the people around you have better everything. They have a better life, a better family, a better job, a better relationship. And, it's frustrating because you seem to be doing the same things, in fact, sometimes you're even doing better and you serve the Lord faithfully. Yet, they still seem to be getting the best in life while you are struggling to survive.
Most of my life I have been taught to ignore what other people have and that the grass only seems greener. But, a few years back one of our ministers shed some light on this popular phrase. He said that the grass really is greener and if you hop across the fence you'll see why. What's the best way to make grass grow? Fertilize it. What fertilizer makes grass all green and shiny? Usually, manure. So, when you hop over to "the other side" the grass is bright green, but you usually find yourself knee deep in...manure. The family with the fantastic house down the street is up to their eyeballs in debt. The woman whose husband is so perfect is cheating on her, or worse, he is abusive to her. The man at your job who got a promotion that you worked hard for stepped on so many people that they are plotting his undoing. Are we really sure that greener grass is what we want? Or, do we want the future and hope that God has promised us? I am going to put my hope in Christ. It may seem that others are prospering, but we have no business looking at what anyone else does or has because our focus should be on Christ alone. Ms. EV |
About Ms. EVWhen you have elevated values, it is not about being snobby; it is about living victoriously! Archives
March 2016
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