Elevated Values
EV is short for Elevated Values, also known as, high standards. This is not just about romance; this is about every facet of my life: my spiritual walk, my career and my relationships. Having higher standards than the norm is not a bad thing. It’s not about being a ‘holy roller’ (although, that’s not a bad thing and if that’s your role, play it). It is about resting in God’s Word, living a life that exceeds expectations and is full of abundance, and not apologizing for being a peculiar person, the daughter of, not a king, but THE King of Kings. I am royalty, and as such I expect to live victoriously, work diligently and work passionately. It is the ultimate display of my greatest and most important relationship, my first and foremost commitment: my love for Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I’ll keep my high standards, my quality morals, my elevated values, and live in His plan for my life any day over what the world would have me do. I’m living on another level that is accessible to anyone, but not welcomed by everyone.
This site was created to provide hope and encouragement for Christians who are navigating their single season, but it is really for anyone who wants to live in the fullness of their relationship with Christ. Check out my books and devotionals, Ms. EV's blogs and inspirational music. Follow Elevated Values and Prey While You're Prey social media. I am available as a speaker or podcast guest. Feel free to CONTACT me.
This site was created to provide hope and encouragement for Christians who are navigating their single season, but it is really for anyone who wants to live in the fullness of their relationship with Christ. Check out my books and devotionals, Ms. EV's blogs and inspirational music. Follow Elevated Values and Prey While You're Prey social media. I am available as a speaker or podcast guest. Feel free to CONTACT me.