On Christmas day, my dad asked me if I bought a present for Joy Bella. I did not. At first, I felt a little guilty, but I went on to explain that the first couple of years, I did buy her new toys and my friends would get her little things, and then, I noticed that she did not really play with them. Joy, that’s my cat if you haven’t been reading, has a couple of favorite toys, but her favorite things are string, boxes, and Styrofoam; none of which need to be bought from a store.
So, Christmas afternoon, my niece came to my house and helped me finish making desserts for dinner. We were getting ready to go to my aunt’s house, and my niece took her new boots out of a shoebox, left it in the middle of the floor and got dressed. When we came back in the room, Joy was inside the shoebox. I told my niece that Joy liked her new present and she could not have the shoebox back. She tried to get Joy to get out of the shoebox and I tried to find another box for Joy, but she would not budge. My niece soon realized how much Joy enjoyed playing in and laying in the shoebox, so she left it at my house. When I got home from my aunt’s house, I found Joy in the shoebox. Then, after she came back from getting her shots, she climbed into her shoebox. It is the cutest thing. Something so simple and inexpensive brings my little feline buddy such, well, joy! As I watched her play with the shoebox and chill in the shoebox, I realized that my cat was teaching me an important lesson. We need to learn to be content with the simple things in life. We need to make the most of what we have. More extravagance and luxury is not going to bring more happiness. True joy comes from within. It comes from knowing who you are in God and that He has a plan for your life. Once you realize that, you can enjoy the places you go, the people around you and the things that you do possess. Ms. EV
Four years ago, I decided that I would adopt a pet. I have been living in my own home for a year and a half and I was just six months into getting over a breakup. I needed someone to love. When I was little, I had a puppy, Blackie. He was a runt and we promised our dad that we would take care of him, but, of course, my dad ended up taking care of Blackie. Blackie got sick and had to be put down and I always wanted another puppy, but as I analyzed my lifestyle, I realized that I really needed a more independent pet. So, I talked with a friend who loved all animals and we agreed that a kitten was the best option for me.
I looked at the local humane society website for kittens that were up for adoption. I saw a beautiful little black kitten named Nathan and I was determined to have that little guy, so two days before Christmas, I went to the shelter to find him. When I got there I filled out the paperwork and waited for my turn in the cat room. I told them I was there for Nathan, so a volunteer took Nathan from his cage and gave him to me. I fell for the little guy, but he did not like me. I tried to pet him, but he wanted nothing to do with me. So, the volunteer put him back in his cage. I was bummed because I had my mind all made up that Nathan was the one. Then, the volunteer said, “There are three cats here that are a little older than Nathan; two girls and a boy. They are siblings and they are really sweet.” I wanted a male, black cat, but only one of the females was black. Her name was Joy. I agreed to hold her while I figured out what I wanted to do. See, it takes me a long time to make a decision. Once I do, if anything interferes with my plan, it throws me completely off, so I needed to time to decide if I should scrap the whole idea of getting a cat. The volunteer handed me the little kitten, Joy. Joy snuggled up next to me and laid on my chest and I knew she was the one for me. We cuddled and played until all of the paperwork was done and I took Joy home. It was Christmas time so I gave her the middle name Bella as in joy bells. I had no idea how to care for a cat, but I figured it out. I wasn’t great with discipline, so she was and still is completely spoiled. She also had some health issues in the beginning, but we got through that rough time. Now, she is my little princess, and true to her name, she brings me joy. This morning, I was thinking of how she’s changed my life over the last four years since I adopted her and I thought of how the Bible says God adopts us into His family as joint heirs with Christ. I thought about how God wanted us to be His, but we sometimes reject him, little Nathan did to me. I thought about when we come to Him, we can find comfort in His arms like Joy did with me. I thought about how hard it is to get us disciplined sometimes, but God knows best. And, I thought about how we come to God with all kinds of ailments and vices from our former life, but He just keeps loving us until we are healed and delivered. As much joy as my sweet baby cat brings me, there is no adoptive relationship like the one between God and His children. His love brings us joy, peace, and wholeness, not just one season a year, but every single day of our lives. Ms. EV I'm usually not a big fan of people seeking to be happy because happiness can often be linked to a circumstance. Happiness is more of a state of mind, whereas joyfulness is a state of spirit; a way of living. You can have joy when everything around you is going your way or when everything is falling apart. Now, if you're like me, you might feel joy on the inside that doesn't necessarily show on the outside, especially if it is before 8AM and you have not had your Coke Zero yet (okay, maybe that's just me). But, the look on your face doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have joy in your spirit.
In fact, last year, I got into an argument with a friend because I got fed up with so many people commenting that I didn't look happy. His point was that I should be grateful for everything in my life even when I was not currently satisfied with my situation. My point was that I don't have to have a smile on my face to prove to everyone that I am filled with joy, especially early in the morning before I have had my Coke Zero. This was not a unique problem. For a lot of my life, I have been called mean, stuck up, aloof, unhappy by people who do not know me. But, those who take the time to get to know me, usually know that I am caring, generous and joyful. This time, I was offended because it was coming from a friend who knows that, depsote the look on my face, which can usually be attributed to deep thought, I am a joyful person who is nice to be around. I am by no means a bubbly or happy-go-lucky person. However, joy fills my spirit that has nothing to do with my circumstances. I have joy because I know a Man who was willing to die to save my life. He chose me to be a part of his family and to live forever. Even though, hard times happen and I may cry or analyze situations ad nauseum, it does not affect my joy. Actually, the only things that truly affect my joy level are a lack of intimacy with God and sin in my life. My happiness is affected by much, much more. I don't believe that to be a good Christian, you have to be happy all the time. Now, you shouldn't be whining and complaining when you have a Father who loves like God and you know that He can and will work everything in your favor. Nonetheless, life happens and sometimes, we can find ourselves feeling down, not defeated, but just down and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as when God lifts us back up, we give Him the glory and the praise. This lets others know that, "This joy that I have...the world didn't give it...the world can't take it away." The world, people, and circumstances can affect your happiness, but not your joy. Happiness is based on external, natural influences; joy is based on internal, spiritual influences. It's nice to have both, but I would rather have joy! Ms. EV Have you ever wondered why God gave us rules? Do you think it is a matter of controlling us and keeping us in line? If so, then why give us free will? Why not just make us all robots that do the right thing all the time? I have to admit that sometimes I wish God had made me a submissive robot that never does anything wrong; it would have saved me from A LOT of guilt and shame. But, because He is a loving God, He allows us to freely serve Him and to choose to worship Him.
When I talk to people who are not Christians about why they are not saved, sometimes I hear because there are too many rules to follow. If you read the Bible, you will note that there are practices that Christians are commanded to do and others that we are commanded to abstain from doing. All of it really boils down to two commands, “Love the Lord, your God, with everything you have,” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Following these two rules alone will help us continue to do right and refrain from doing wrong. The rules are in place so that we can live lives that bring God glory and so that we will not hurt ourselves and others. As my parents always said, “They are for your own good.” If you do not believe me, break a few of God’s commands and see how that works out for you. Trust me, I have been there, done that, got a T-shirt, keychain, and a coffee mug. Why would I callously break rule that I know are for my own good because, when I was younger, they seemed like major burdens. I know I am not alone. Some Christians act as though they are literally bound by the chains of righteousness. It seems as though living a holy life means that we cannot have any fun. Not long ago, I told a friend that I was going to write a book called, “Christian Girls Do That?” Whenever someone sees me having fun it seems counterintuitive for them to be able to believe that I am a Christian. Apparently, most people think that in order to live a good, Christian life, one must be frigid and boring. But, I like to have a good time and I believe that the God who loves me and created me wants me to have a jubilant life within certain limits that He has placed for my own good. Christians can have fun while following God’s commands. Think about it. Would you rather take a job where everyone got their jobs done while being bland and looking bored, or where the office was productive and the people were pleasant. I think most people would choose the latter, unless you are a glutton for punishment, so when we live as a daily witness, we should not act as though God’s commands are a burden. We need to show how they are a blessing, and then, we can win souls for Christ and not scare people away from Him. Ms. EV I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for the last day of school! (Not even when I was graduating). This year has been rough! For those of you who don’t know, I am a teacher. Anyway, as I was clearing out my inboxes, I realized that at the beginning of this year, I was so unhappy that I was trying to find another job. Then, the tragedies started and seemed to come one right after another. The year was just marred with disappointment and sadness. And through it all, I held on to the fact that God still sits on the throne and is in control, but that doesn’t mean that it was not hard.
The result of the valley was that it caused me to look within and to cling ever closer to God. I had been in a relationship rut so to speak where I had lost the freshness of my intimacy with Christ and our time together had become more routine than real. As I drew closer to Him, things started to turn around. It was not all mountain tops, but, in the valleys, I knew to look to the hills where from which my help would come. Now, I am renewed, refreshed, revived and ready for what God has in store for my life. He has literally put new songs on my heart, given me new insight and new focus. And, I made it with Him. We made it! Sometimes, it seems as if the struggle will never end, but if you can just be still, you can come through the other side with Jesus as your Friend and Guide. Ms. EV Part of growing up is learning to rejoice in the successes in the lives of others and having empathy for the pain in the lives of others. The latter part of that can sometimes come more naturally than the former. If you have a heart, it is not very difficult to feel sorry for someone. It is natural to share in the pain, offer your shoulder, give words of comfort and just be there for that person. When we have compassion towards another person, it often gives us a warm, fuzzy feeling. We feel needed, useful, like we have a purpose.
Sharing in the joys is a little more difficult. It shouldn’t be, but we are human, and sometimes, we may genuinely feel excited for a friend’s good fortune, while, at the same time, we feel somehow slighted. She has so much and I want so little, so why does everything seem to go her way? She doesn’t even want more kids and she’s pregnant…She doesn’t even want a man in her life, but she has one pining for her…When will it be my turn? Does any of this sound familiar? Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m the only one who feels just a twinge of bitterness when these situations arise. But, I am a growing work in progress, so if this isn’t for you, then please just indulge me for minute while I step on my own toes. I once heard that the difference between bitter and better is the “I” involved. The reason that bitter feelings arise for me is because I am only concerned with me, myself and I. It is because I am being selfish and unappreciative. But, when I look at all of the things I have to be grateful for rather than the things for which I am longing, I become better. I just feel better. When I take the focus off of me (and that right there is a challenge), and place the focus on what God has for me and has done for me, bitterness cannot stay. I’m not saying that it makes you a bad person if you fall into a momentary period of bitterness; just don’t stay there. And, that includes proceeding to beat yourself up about feeling that way. Instead, do a little ABC exercise. Acknowledge that the appropriate response is to delight in what God does for others (1 Corinthians 12:26). Bounce your thoughts onto those things that are pure, true, holy, just, and noble (Philippians 4:8-9). Count your blessings, name them, write them down, and thank God for them (Psalm 100:4). Be better, not bitter. Ms. EV |
About Ms. EVWhen you have elevated values, it is not about being snobby; it is about living victoriously! Archives
March 2016
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