A couple of weeks ago, I was preparing to do the Ms. EV's Relationship Advice broadcast, when I realized that I was just spent. I was tired physically, emotionally, spiritually just tired. So, I decided to take a little break. And, it was not an easy decision. However, I realized that it was better to take a break, get a chance to rest and rejuvenate after a huge event for which I am responsible, and then, come back stronger and better.
The two weeks away was anything, but relaxing. I knew that if I did not step back for a moment from a few things, then everything I had going on would be at stake. I love writing; it is an emotional and spiritual outlet and I love sharing the wisdom that God has given me over the years. I did not want to risk writing mediocre content or missing out on a message that was supposed to be written because of my busyness. It wasn't what I wanted to do, but it was what i had to do. Sometimes, we get so busy that we do not give our best. Even after I decided to take a little hiatus, I realized that I still was not giving my best to God. I was so busy doing "good" things that I was not spending quality time with God. Even if it meant giving up things that I liked, I could not abandon my first love. I had to purposefully make time to pray and not rush through my alone time with God regardless of other demands on my time. I had to get creative, and sometimes I faltered, but God is faithful and He picked me back up and what is even better, He did not beat me up about it (I was doing a perfectly good job of that myself); instead, God encouraged me to take the rest I needed and to find that rest in Him. So, now I am back. I have some VERY exciting adventures on the horizon and I an expectantly waiting to continue to see God's wonders working in and through my life. If you need a break, take it. God wants us at our best; that is why He encourages rest. Ms. EV
In one of my latest writings, I came up with several new definitions of what it means to be a single servant of the true and living God. S_____ IN G_____ L_____ E_____... And, since we're only one week from Single Awareness Day (a/k/a Valentines Day) let’s take a look at some of these new definitions over the next few days:
Supported IN God’s Lifting Encouragement – Jeremiah 29:11 At this point, I probably sound like I am all gumdrops and candy canes with a sickeningly sweet disposition all the time. This is just not the case. In fact, most people who know me would cackle at that very idea. I am a real person, not a God-robot. I have good days and bad days. I have ups and downs. Just because I can be content with being single does not mean that it does not bother me at times. I do not like being the odd-numbered wheel when I’m out with friends, but I have friends. I do not enjoy taking out the trash or maintaining my own car, but I can. And, when those things bother me, I am encouraged to know that God has a plan for my life. He does not want me to fail. I am a vessel for God’s glory, so my failure would not be a good testimony. God’s plans are not my plans. They are better plans; in fact, they are the best plans for my life. When I reflect upon that thought, I am lifted and encouraged, knowing that I am supported by God. Satisfied IN Giving the Lord my Energy – Psalm 37:4 God is a jealous God. I have read the entire Bible and one of the things that shouts out loud and clear is that God wants to be my focus. He wants my heart, my mind, my soul and my time. At first glance, that might sound overly-possessive, but I am His creation. The earth and everything in it belongs to Him, so He should be my first priority in life. That does not mean that I cannot love another person, or my family, my job or my church, but I cannot put any of those things before my God. I need to be satisfied with Him alone. Once, I am satisfied with Him, everything that He adds to my life is just icing on the cake. Ms. EV |
About Ms. EVWhen you have elevated values, it is not about being snobby; it is about living victoriously! Archives
March 2016
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