I am a professional sleeper. I have been taking naps pretty consistently since high school and anyone who knows me knows that a nap is a part of my daily routine. As a matter of fact, earlier today, a colleague told me that my former students asked him to post notes online and he was unsure of how to do it. They replied, “Ms. [EV] knows how to do it!” To which, he responded, “That’s because she takes naps!” I am not really sure what my napping habit has to do with my computer talents, but it shows that even my colleagues know that I am no stranger to dozing off each afternoon.
I enjoy naps because I find them to be refreshing. On a workday, I get up very early, so by the middle of the day, I am very tired. My family and closest friends know that, generally, I cannot be reached between 4PM and 6PM. I put my phone on silent, put my sleep mask on to block out the light, get cozy on the couch or in my bed, and I zone out. Sometimes I fall completely asleep and other times I just lay there and recharge. But, once I wake up, I can think more clearly again, I am in a good mood, and I can accomplish whatever other tasks lie ahead. On days when I do not get a nap, I am either cranky or deliriously silly, so let’s just say I am not at my best. As much as I appreciate naps, I have an even greater appreciation for the fact that I serve a God who never dozes off. Psalm 121 says that God never sleeps or slumbers. He doesn’t even “get in a couple of winks” here and there. He is constantly and consistently holding the world in the palm of His hands. I am so grateful that He does not feel the need to shut me out everyday for a couple of hours, so that He can recharge. Instead, He is there for me every, single time I need Him. Just pause for a moment and think of how awesome that is! I love my family and my friends, but there are some times, no matter how much they love me, that they just cannot be there for me. I am sure that others have experienced this. Maybe, late at night, you feel a sudden attack of sadness. Or, perhaps, early in the morning, you start having a bout with anxiety. Sometimes we cannot call others because it is too late or too early. Sometimes, we cannot call others because they just will not understand the issue. In those times, and at all times, it is a blessing to know that we can call on the name of Jesus. These moments are the moments when I realize that God should be my first resort and not my last resort. I realize that I need to depend on Him and trust in Him because, though He can use others as a resource in my life, He is the Source of my life. So, I am glad that He does not sleep, nor does He slumber. I am ecstatic that He is not just an on-time God, but an all-the-time God. Because He never dozes off, I can rest in peace on this side of Heaven. Resting in the midst of tests, trials and storms is a form of worship. It shows God that you truly believe He can handle every situation that is presented in this life. So, go ahead and take a nap, or, if you are not a nap person, at least get a full night of sleep; God is awake, alert, and able to take care of you. Ms. EV
So, everyone knows that teachers are way overpaid and extremely rich, right? (Insert sarcasm) But, seriously folks, if I had a dime for every time someone asked me why I am a teacher instead of an attorney (because I have a law degree and passed the bar and practiced law for a short time), I would be stupid rich! Nevertheless, I have come to realize that it is not how much money you make; it is what you do with all that God gifts you, your time, talents and treasure that really matters.
No disrespect to the profession of law; I have several friends who practice law very successfully. Being an attorney did not fit with my personality. I had to decide if I would stay in a profession that was literally making me ill, or if I would pursue a different path. I chose my current day job because of the opportunity to enrich the lives of younger generations and because of all of the days of vacation. It was never about the paycheck. It was about finding something fulfilling that allowed me the time I needed to pursue my other dreams and passion in life. With my passions and dreams firmly in sight, I taught for the first couple of years, and then, I bought a house. In order to pay for my house, I had to work more hours. That meant I had less time for dream chasing because I had to work, which left me exhausted. But, last year, I made a conscious choice to put the extra, “time robbing” pursuits aside and focus on my faith, my family, and my future. Letting go of the extra jobs meant letting go of the extra income, and at first, it was a struggle. It had been a long time since I had too much month at the end of my money, and I was not really sure how to handle it. One thing was for sure, I was confident that my actions were God-led, so I knew He would take care of me. I didn’t know how, but I knew He would. In this season, I learned about God Math. God Math is when you make less money, have more bills, continue to give your tithes and offerings and end up with a surplus. It makes no sense, but, then again, when does anything supernatural make sense? I stopped balancing my checkbook a long time ago because it was depressing. I do live on a budget, though, and at the top of the budget, is giving my first fruits to God. I am not saying that I didn’t tighten my purse strings when I got a pay cut because I do have common sense. What I am saying is that if you put all of the numbers in a calculator, they would drive any accountant crazy! That is how God works. When your relationship with Him and your pursuits for His dreams for your life become your focus, He will make miracles happen. I used to hear the church folks say, “He’ll make a way out of now way,” and I didn’t really understand what that meant. Now, I do; it’s God Math! I made straight A’s in mathematics and I don’t understand it, but you don’t have to understand; you have to trust! Ms. EV Growing up with siblings, it is inevitable that at some point, one or more siblings will have what one or more other siblings want. The items can be anything from toys to candy to clothes to money. Now, if you are the sibling who wants the commodity, you face the dreaded task of having to bargain with your sibling for said commodity. You know the drill, “I’ll do your chores for a week,” “I won’t bother you while you’re on the phone with your friends,” or “I won’t tell mom and dad that you were…when they thought you were…;” seems like it’s all about leverage with siblings. But, sometimes you have nothing with which to barter, and you are just hoping that your sibling will let you have or borrow whatever it is that you need. If you are the sibling with the hot commodity, you are in a fantastic situation. You can choose the payoff for the prized item. And, if there are multiple items from which to choose, you get to pick which one to let your sibling have or borrow.
So, in this scenario, if the sibling receiving the item would prefer to have a different item, but has no leverage, the phrase, “Beggars can’t be choosers,” is often used. What this means is that, because one is in a needy position, he or she should be content with whatever item is acquired. After all, he or she is the one in need with nothing to offer in return. How then does someone with nothing to offer have the audacity to make demands about a loan or a gift? Having been in this situation with family members, friends, and students, I understand what it is like to offer assistance to someone who is in need only to have them tell me that they want something more or different. So, I get why people use this phrase in certain contexts. However, this idiom should never be used toward or by someone who is waiting on God for a blessing. It occurs to me, as I expand my visibility in the dating world, that I have a very specific “someone” for whom I am waiting. If you pinned me down, I could make a list, but honestly, I just know if someone will be a good fit for my quirks. I actually am glad that I have a lot of idiosyncrasies. It narrows down the amount of people I have to wade through to get to the right one. I am beginning to think that there may actually only be one person who can fit the mold. And, that is fine by me because: a) I only need one person to fit the mold; and b) I will know that this person is sent by God because it is really difficult to be the person I desire to have in my life. I am 34 years old. I am divorced and I have no children and a ticking biological bomb (yes, I meant to say bomb and not clock). I would love to have someone with whom I could go to dinner or cuddle on the couch or go to karaoke or sporting events. But I am not a beggar, and therefore, I can be a chooser. I once was a beggar. I was a desperate girl who just wanted to be in a relationship, so I compromised. I compromised who I was, what I wanted in life, what I deserved and what I believed in on more than one occasion for the sake of not being alone. But, at this point in my life, I have been alone for so long, that it would just seem silly to start making compromises now. I hear this all the time, “I’m not saying lower your standards; I’m just saying be more open. You never know where love will come from.” Um, actually, I do know where love comes from; it comes from God. He is the same God that I talk to all day every day; the same God that knows me inside and out and know that I am weird--er, um unique. God knows exactly what I want and what I need. I don’t think I hear Him saying, “Girl, sending you a man that fulfills all of your desires is just too hard for Me. Can you ease up a bit?” Rather, I think God is saying, “I made you who you are and I know you. You will know who to choose because you will know that I sent him because he will be the perfect one for you.” My best friend says, “Every pot has its lid.” And, I cannot help but think of my parents, who have been together for thirty-nine years. They are so different from each other, but they understand each other’s quirks and they are each other’s best friend. They don’t try to change each other. Okay, well my dad tries to get my mom to try weird food, but he would never leave her because she is not like him and vice versa. I am not a beggar, and beloved of God, neither are you. So, wait for what you want. Being a chooser does not make you uppity, suddity, bourgeois, or ungrateful. It makes you a human being who knows what he or she wants and trusts God to deliver on His promises. Now, run and tell that! Ms. EV I have a ring that says, “If God brings you to it…He will bring you through it.” I thoroughly believe that. We live in a world that is not our home. It is a world that is sinful by nature, so life is not always easy. On this side of heaven, there will be disappointment, depression, disease and even, death. This doesn’t mean that God is any less in control. And when those situations come into our lives, it is just another opportunity for God to show His awesome power and His abundant love.
For example, last year, my grandmother, who was one of my best friends, passed away. I sat with her and talked with her while she was sick for months, hoping and praying for a miracle, but God did what was best for her and eased her pain. My pain from that loss was unlike anything I had ever gone through. So much so, that I didn’t think that I would ever heal. Then one day, a few months later, I woke up and no longer felt the hurt that had been pulling me down. I still have times of mourning, but God brought me through the rough part. Then, there are other times when I have to wonder if God brought me to “it” or if I got there on my own. I have been analyzing decisions left and right lately on every issue under the sun. There are times that I know I made a good, God-led choice initially, and then veered onto my own path and there are times that I just left God out completely. So, when we bring ourselves to it, will God still bring us through it? I believe He will because He knew the path we would take before we took it. It may not be the path He chose for us, but He has a way of working everything out because He sees all and He knows all and best of all, He loves His children. So, if God brings me to it, He will bring me through it and if I bring me to it, He can still bring me through it. Satan would have us dwell on everything we made crooked, but God wants us to watch Him make it straight. We just have to truly want to live and walk in His path. Ms. EV It has been an awesome week at Vacation Bible School at New Friendship! It has been exhausting, yet exhilarating! Today is the last day of VBS and the theme is Amazing! God’s Power over My Life! The verse says, “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence” (2 Peter 1:3 MSG). God, by His power has given us everything we need for living a godly life. The minute that we accept His gift of salvation and become heirs to His Kingdom, we are equipped and called to serve God through His glory and excellence. I don’t know about you, but that is a LOT of pressure for me.
Sometimes, I wish that the minute we accepted God, He would make us into robots; God-robots. We would be incapable of wrong. We would be unable to make bad decisions. We would be immovable from God’s path for us. What causes me to think this would be ideal? Every time I think about the ways in which I have disappointed God, I think, “Lord, why don’t You just make me do whatever You want me to do, so I can stop messing things up?” But, the God I serve is too loving and kind for that. Yes, He has power over our lives, the nature that surrounds us, circumstances, sin and death. Yes, He will protect us from dangers seen and unseen and from being tested beyond our limits. He even gives us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide is into all truth. However, God wants us to live an obedient life of our own volition. So, how do we live obediently? God’s two commands through Jesus in the New Testament show us that LOVE is the answer. Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37; Luke 10:27). And because God is a loving God and not a tyrant or a dictator, He allows us to choose love. Think about this, which we discussed in Sunday school last Sunday, when you love someone, which has a greater impact on you: the person does what you ask because you make them or the person does what you ask because they are compelled by love and respect for you to please you? This is not just about spouses and significant others. This is about family, friends, and fellow church members, too. I would venture to say that most of us want others to voluntarily show us love and not be forced to love us. In the same way, God wants us to freely choose Him. That’s how strong God’s love is for us! He has the power to make us God-robots, but He still lets us have free will to choose Him and His ways. Trust me, making the right choice is not always easy, but it is so worth it to freely choose to show our love to God through obedience. And, that freedom gives us the unique and uninhibited relationship with our God that He desires to have with us. It is a relationship that means more than any other in our lives and that affects every other relationship in our lives. God is not making me love Him; I just do because He loves me. I can show that love by choosing to live the life that He has planned for me forMs. EV Today’s Vacation Bible School verse is, “Praise the name of God forever and ever, for He has all wisdom and power” (Daniel 2:20 NLT). The lesson for today is the account of Daniel being thrown into the lions’ den. If you are unfamiliar with the story, the text is in Daniel 6. So, as I listened to the song I will teach later and looked at the theme for the day, “Amazing! God’s Power Over Circumstances,” I thought, “Do I really believe that God has control over every circumstance?” Yesterday, I wrote about God having control over everything and nothing being too hard for Him; however, if we really believe this, then we should never lose any sleep over our problems.
Anyone who knows me knows that I love to sleep. And, I thought I was the sleep champion until I got my cat, Joy Bella. When I first brought her home, having never taken care of a pet on my own and knowing nothing about cats in particular, I was concerned that she seemed to sleep almost all day. At first, I thought maybe it was because she was a baby. Have you ever watched baby’s sleep? They are so peaceful; they do not have a care in the world. They sleep until they have had enough rest, not tossing or turning, not begging their mind to stop racing. Hence, the phrase, “sleep like a baby.” That is the kind of rest God wants us to find in Him. He wants us to be so assured that He has all wisdom and power, that when we are overcome by exhaustion, we can enjoy peaceful rest rather than become so tired that it is difficult for us to be used for His glory. After a few days, Joy’s sleeping habits continued to concern me, though so, I did some research on cats. I found out that they sleep for about three-quarters of the day, in little spurts (hence, the term “cat nap”) and mostly during the day. I observed Joy Bella, and found that she could fall asleep anywhere. Sure, she has her favorite chair and window perch, but if something or someone (me) is in her way, she simply finds another place to rest and peacefully goes to sleep. The television can be on, music can be blasting, I can be on the phone; it does not matter. When Joy wants rest; she gets it. And, I wish I could be more like that. I wish that I could find rest no matter where I am and no matter what circumstances are going on in my life. I am definitely better at this than I used to be. When I first got divorced, I had a lot of anxiety about being alone again, not to mention I was in law school, which brought on its own set of issues. One day, I realized that I had not slept for more than two hours each night. I went to bed, but I knew when each hour passed because I was looking at the clock. I spoke to a doctor who let me know that I was suffering from insomnia, which I later found out was a symptom of a larger issue; I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. The good news is that I got treatment, I recovered, and then I got rest. But, it was embarrassing for me, as a Christian, to have let fear and worry overcome me so much. It did not end there; I was better, but every once in a while, I find myself back in the grip of anxiety. And, my problems are nothing like what Daniel was facing. Daniel did nothing wrong. All he did was stand up for God and live in obedience to His command. As a result, Daniel was revered and prosperous, which caused him to have some haters. The haters set Daniel up and forced the king to have to throw him into the lions’ den. Now, I mentioned I have a cat, when she playfully scratches me or bites me, it hurts! So, imagine what actual lions could do. This was a serious circumstance! But, Daniel trusted that God knew what He was doing and rather than staying up all night fearing what the lion would do to him, Daniel fell asleep on lion pillows. Most of the time our problems do not involve possibly being torn limb from limb, but I know that when it is your circumstance, no matter how insignificant it seems to others, it is huge to you. Let me encourage you, there is no problem too large or too small for God. When you are facing an unfavorable situation, do what Daniel did. Turn your problems into pillows. Ask God to work it out. Trust that He will work it out. Then, get some rest. Rest is an act of worship. It is us showing God that come what may, we need not lose sleep because we know that He never sleeps or slumbers and that He has all wisdom and power. Grab hold of your lion pillows and get your cat nap on because God has it all under control. Ms. EV 'Dear God, my Master, you created earth and sky by your great power—by merely stretching out your arm! There is nothing you can't do.” Jeremiah 32:17 (The Message)
This week is Vacation Bible School at our church, so as I study the lessons and the verses for the week, I am going to use them as the inspiration for this week’s blogs. Today, the portion of the memory verse that speaks the most to me is, “There is nothing You can’t do.” God can do anything; there is nothing too hard for God to handle. God created the heavens and the earth. He separated land from water. He spoke and caused plants of every variety to grow. He set the sun, the moon, and the stars in the sky. He orchestrated day and night, and each season of the year. He filled the oceans and the land with animals. He created man in His own image. He created woman out of man. And, that was just the beginning! So, why do we act as if our issues, our circumstances, our problems are too much for God to handle? Last week, in the blog, In ALL Things, I talked about trusting God in every circumstance in our lives, no matter how insignificant it may seem. But, we also have to trust that there is no situation in our lives that God cannot handle. Even when it seems overwhelming or insurmountable to us, God can work it out if we allow Him to have control. Therein lies the issue: control. Who is really in control of your life? I have to ask myself this question all the time. When doubt starts to creep in and when it feels like God is not moving fast enough, I am tempted to take over and do things my way, as if my problem is too hard for God and He needs my help. For example, it is no secret that I would like to be married and have children. At first, I gave myself until thirty to have however many children, I would have because I did not want to lack the energy necessary for my children’s adolescent years. As thirty passed, I extended the deadline to thirty-five, due to some cautionary words from my doctor. Well, I have to be married to have a baby (I realize that it is not impossible to have a baby without being married, but THIS GIRL needs to be married), so with the countdown to thirty-five looming ominously over my head, I held on to a relationship for way too long. Then, when it was over, I had even less time to date someone, get married and have babies, and the anxiety from constant thoughts about running out of time nearly threw me into a depression. So, I decided to give up on the idea of having a baby. If I no longer wanted to physically have a baby (I could always adopt a child), then the pressure to be in a relationship would decrease. I literally thought I could just snap my fingers, take control of my thoughts, and not want my own family, but the desire only disappeared temporarily. What I had done was place limits on God. I looked at the calendar, and I said, “Oh well, God can’t do this, so I will take control and help Him out by no longer making this request to Him. Now, I can get married whenever, and it will not matter.” I doubted God’s power, even though I have read of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Hannah, Elizabeth; all of whom had their wombs opened by God when it seemed impossible. The solution was not to stop wanting the family I dreamed of; it was to start trusting that NOTHING is too hard for God. I will never purposely put the health of my child at risk, but if God wills for me to have husband and children, who am I to put time restraints on the Father of Time? In life, we will face challenges and obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. Maybe you are not dealing with relationship issues. Perhaps, it is a financial issue, a physical issue, or a spiritual issue. These issues are only impossible for you and I to overcome in our own power. They are not too hard for God; nothing is too hard for Him. Giving God all of the control does not mean that we just exist like amoebas floating through life. It means we make the conscious choice to live out everyday of our lives according to God’s Will, and to allow Him to be God. We do not get to tell God what to do, but we can ask Him for what we desire. And, as we grow closer to Him, our desires line up with His desires for our lives. This helps me to know that if I still desire something, as I sit at His feet, it will come to pass. It may not happen the way I thought it would; nevertheless, no matter what the situation may look like to us, there is NOTHING too hard for God. Ms. EV I like to bake desserts in my spare time and for your next event (shameless plug for EV Catering). My favorite thing to bake is cupcakes, but the hard part about cupcakes is pouring the batter into the cupcake pan without making a mess and wasting batter. After watching several episodes of “Cupcake Wars” on Food Network, I noticed that the professionals use ice cream scoops to get the right amount of batter quickly into the cupcake liners. So, I decided that before I baked my next batch of cupcakes, I would get a scoop.
As much as I love cake and cupcakes, I do not like frosting, so when I am baking for myself, I usually leave it off or use very little. However, when I am baking for a client, I have to frost the cupcakes and they need to look professional, so, in order to do that, I have tried several different piping bags and methods of making the frosting look beautiful and appetizing. I know that it tastes fantastic; however, many people eat with their eyes first, so it needs to look fantastic. So, in addition to my cupcake scoop, I also set out on a mission to find a new cupcake decorating tool. I recently had an order to fill, so when I went to get ingredients I looked for my new baking toys. I was a little dismayed at the prices of the items though. In the aisle, as I scanned up and down, back and forth for something in the right price range, I stopped and prayed. I asked God to help me find what I needed. I took one more stroll down the aisle, and all of a sudden, I see not an ice cream scoop, but a cupcake scoop. It was priced perfectly. I moved on to the aisle with the decoration tools. The same scenario played out. I found what I wanted, but it was way more than I was willing to pay. I stopped, and I don’t even think I said a whole prayer, I think I just said, “Ok, God, here we go again.” I turned around and I spotted a cupcake decorating tool. I did a little mini-shout right there in the store. I used both of these new tools for the order, and my prep time and decorating time were greatly decreased, I was less frustrated, and the cupcakes were a “huge hit,” according to the client. Why am I going on and on about cupcakes and baking tools? It is not about those specific items. It is about the fact that I love and serve a God who cares about every detail of my life. If it concerns me, it concerns Him because He cares for me. In fact, He said I could cast all of my cares on Him because He cares for me. A lot of times, we think that we are bothering God with the “little things” in our lives. I can attest to that. There are people dying and suffering and hungry and unsaved, so why would I bother God by asking Him to help me find baking tools? Because the God I serve can handle the sick, the wounded, the hungry and the lost, and He can still care about everything that concerns me. I have found that when I stop asking God about the smaller details of life, eventually I star leaving Him out of the bigger details in my life, and then, I just start getting all sassy and independent. God wants to communicate with us and be our companion. He has called us friends. And, I don’t know about anyone else, but I tell my closest friends even the smallest details of my life because I find beauty in that level of intimacy with friends, even when the details seem silly. God wants to be involved in ALL things in our lives from buying baking tools to buying a house; from choosing furniture to choosing a future spouse. The fact that we talk to Him and listen for the promptings of the Holy Spirit shows our trust in Him. So, include God in ALL things. If you have a real relationship with Him, there is no area of your life that about which He does not care. If you really tap into an intimate friendship with God, it will be the best relationship in your life. Ms. EV Today is Memorial Day. So, first I have to thank the countless service men and women who have sacrificed their time and their lives for my freedom. I also want to thank their families for supporting them as they fight for America. This morning, I was celebrating a different sort of memorial. I was minding my own business, preparing food for later and cleaning the kitchen when several thoughts starting coming to mind. They were divisive, destructive, counterproductive thoughts, so I knew exactly who was doing the whispering, Satan.
I quickly said, “Satan, why you always gotta bring up old stuff!” Then, I realized, that’s all he has to work with right now. The issues that he is bringing up have been prayed about, fought out and buried. And, because I have not given him anything new to pester me about, he has to try to knock me off track with old problems. But, don’t you know that once God has delivered you from a battle and the victory is won, you never have to succumb to the pull of guilt or shame from that issue again. When you allow God to step in and fight for you, the victory is won. You can shovel the dirt on top of the defeated problem or problems and you can celebrate. Like today, when we take the time out to celebrate the lives and the sacrifice of those who fought for freedom, we should take the time each day to celebrate God’s sacrifice for our freedom and to remember the battles He has already won. Do not give Satan any leverage. If a problem is dead and buried, leave it there. Celebrate the victory. As long as we live in this world, there will be another problem waiting around the corner. The good news is that God can handle that one, too; especially if you don’t weaken your fight by dwelling on past missteps and mistakes. It’s one thing for Satan to bring up old stuff to use in attack; it is a whole other story when we continue to dwell in a place from which we have been delivered. Ms. EV So I was typing on my computer and I saw the power cord, and I assumed that because the computer was still on, it was plugged in, but then the red battery light came on. So, I looked at the power strip and it was plugged into the wall, turned on and functioning properly, but when I inspected the power cord, I discovered that while it was close to the computer, it was not plugged in all the way.
It made me think about my life. I go to church every Sunday; I attend and sometimes teach Sunday school. I pray and I read the Bible. I sing and play gospel songs. But, there are those times, and I am sure I’m not the only one, when I just feel drained. I feel powerless, even hopeless at times. I feel like my power, my victory, is fading. Usually, during those times, I am feeling tired and empty because, although I am close to God, I am not really plugged in to His power. I am simply going through the motions of a routine or ritual, but not fully experiencing His grace, His mercy and His might. I am not fully engaging in my relationship with Christ, which is why I start to feel down. So, if you are feeling powerless, tired, uninspired, check your connection to your power source. Are you just close enough to see what your life could be like in the fullness of God? Or, are you plugged in to God and His greatness? Ms. EV |
About Ms. EVWhen you have elevated values, it is not about being snobby; it is about living victoriously! Archives
March 2016
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